The Madras College Archive


Former Pupil Biographies

Denis Hamilton Kyle O.B.E. (1897 - 1983)

Denis was born in St Andrews on 30th August 1897, the fourth of six children - three girls and three boys - to Laura Margaret Parr and Dr David Hamilton Kyle, a local GP. The family initially lived in Queen's Gardens but later moved to 16 The Links overlooking the 18th fairway of the Old Course.

He was a Second Lieutenant in the Seaforth Highlanders in the First World War. He married Margaret McLean in 1925 and died in London in October 1983.

(Much more information can be found in 'The Golfing Kyles of St Andrews' by Dr Eve Soulsby, former Principal Teacher of Geography in Madras College).

He attended Madras College and was a member of the Cricket, Golf, Swimming and Rugby teams.

The Golf report of the Madras College Magazine for Summer 1913 reports:

"Scratch Cross - Dennis H Kyle, 86 strokes
Winner of American Tournament - Dennis H Kyle"

This magazine also reported that he gained the Group Intermediate Certificate at the Leaving Certificate Examinations.

The School Notes in the Madras College Magazine for Summer 1914 reports:

"The long golf drive by Dennis Kyle of 204 yards 3 in is just a yard short of the record made by his brother, Edward, two years ago.". He also won the Silver Cup for swimming.

Denis had an exception career as an Amateur golfer playing in many competitions around the world including several Opens and played in the 1924 Walker Cup team near New York representing Great Britain. After his war service, where he was injured several times, he returned to university. After graduating he worked for the Baltic Exchange in London and then as an iron ore merchant progressed to become Managing Director of the BISC (Ore), a subsidiary of the British Iron and Steel Corporation. There was a bulk ore carrier named after him and he was awarded an O.B.E. for his services to the steel industry.